TSplus Simplicity in Focus ─ Revolutionizing Remote Access Across Continents

Remote work has expanded quickly as offices adjust to being virtual. However, connecting globally also introduces firewalls and complexity. This made remote access challenging without heavyweight software. TSplus is changing that with an intuitive solution.

Their simple remote access from anywhere reliable platform allows users to work securely from anywhere on any device through a browser.

With a fast setup and affordable pricing, TSplus makes collaboration borderless. They’ve helped teams across continents stay online and productive by prioritizing ease over extras.

What is TSplus Remote Access?

TSplus Remote Access makes it easy to access Windows apps from anywhere. Their software publishes your programs online so any device’s browser can reach them. Whether servers are on-site or remote, TSplus secures the connection.

Users need the web to log in. The system then streams desktops and applications to phones, tablets, laptops, and other devices as though running locally.

With TSplus, you extend the life of existing apps while freeing employees from being at their computers. Remote work becomes no problem thanks to intuitive access from any internet-hooked device.

Why TSplus Remote Access?

Source: tsplus.me

Here are some reasons you need to know:

Remote Desktop Access

You can take your full work computer anywhere with you. Your complete PC desktop environment and setup go with you on any device you connect from, whether phone, tablet, or laptop. Stay productive from anywhere.

Create a SaaS solution

Turn your programs into online subscription services that you can sell and that customers can easily access. Choose pricing and packaging options that best suit different client needs and budgets while generating ongoing revenue for your business.

Web-enable legacy Apps

Give older applications new life and functionality without completely rewriting or replacing them. Keep the programs clients already know how to use and have trained staff on while saving the costs associated with previously developing or purchasing them.

Source: tsplus.eu

Deliver applications locally

Send your software directly to end users’ devices to launch and run natively rather than requiring apps and desktops to stream over the internet from a remote server. This provides a smoother, more responsive experience without lag from transmission.

Optimize your IT budget

Avoid expensive outlays when purchasing multiple copies of software licenses and equipment when TSplus’s affordable platform lets you extend existing investments further. Ongoing savings translate to more funds available for other priorities.

Secure your infrastructure

Strong authentication, access controls, and encryption are built into the TSplus system to protect ingress and data transfers from malicious attacks or unauthorized access. Maintain security and compliance confidence.

Key Features

Source: youtube.com

Here are some features you need to know:

Intuitive interface

An easy-to-use, browser-based interface allows remote access from any device without downloads or plugins. The registration and login process is simple.

End-to-end encryption

Connections and all data transfers are secured using bank-grade encryption protocols, ensuring complete privacy and confidentiality for each session.

Device independence

Leverage existing resources through a centralized web portal that works seamlessly on any internet-connected device, including PCs, Macs, phones, and tablets.

Application streaming

Stream individual applications to remote users in real time so they can see exactly what’s on the host desktop and work seamlessly from anywhere.

Virtual printing

Remotely print to any available printer as though it were local without needing to install printer drivers on client devices.

Flexible deployment

Host on-premises or in the cloud. Optimize performance by connecting to applications locally or remotely as needed for each user’s location.

Advanced controls

Robust user management, SSO integration, usage reporting, and more give complete visibility and oversight of remote access use across an organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the software easy to use?

TSplus is designed for all levels of users. Even those unfamiliar with technical tasks can set up remote access quickly, and the intuitive interface requires little learning.

Is it secure?

Security is a top priority. Connections are encrypted end-to-end and updated often to block threats. Options like two-factor authentication add extra protection layers.

How quickly can I start?

Most users can go live within hours of receiving their download link. The fast setup skips complex installations and configurations.

Is remote printing included?

Yes, TSplus includes a Virtual Printer, so you can print from anywhere without installing special drivers. Documents appear as if printed locally.

What devices are supported?

Being web-based, TSplus works on any device with a modern browser, such as a PC, Mac, smartphone, or tablet, to access applications and desktops on any internet-connected device.


As remote work becomes the norm, solutions must simplify connectivity without sacrificing security. With its intuitive yet robust platform, TSplus is at the forefront of addressing this need.

By focusing on simplicity over complex features, they deliver frictionless access from any device via a browser. TSplus’ fast deployments and affordable costs have transformed how distributed teams collaborate globally.

Their dedication to seamless usability while protecting users every step of the way solidifies TSplus as the leader in user-friendly yet secure remote access.