There are some things that are common to all people in the world. One of them is clothes. The entire world’s population wears clothing every day. Even members of the tribe wear characteristic clothing, which they need.
Clothing production is becoming more and more massive. Global consumerism affects that. Fashion is changing fast, new trends are being forced, and in a few months you will become démodé and poorly dressed, if you do not buy a new collection. Cheap clothes are produced in various parts of the world, and disposing of what is not sold or worn and then thrown away is definitely becoming a growing universal problem. Huge garbage dumps are piling up in various locations and are an almost unsolvable problem.
Although the hyperproduction of low-quality fabrics and garments is definitely present, there are still factories that produce quality materials of all kinds. They apply old principles and approaches. Choice of type of material, processing, weaving, sewing, threads, buttons, cuts… All this speaks of one product and the class to which it belongs. Within their factories and workshops, such designers or brands perform detailed and meticulous tests of the complete quality of what is their final product.
What is tested on fabric
1. Tearing strength test

This is a mandatory test that speaks about the quality of the fabric. The material is exposed to certain conditions, using a specialized metal device, intended for testing. This device acts as a single segment of a circle, a type of blade, and has several functions. The fabric is cut into two parts, called “tongues”. They are placed in certain places and the pulling in different directions and intensities begins. This measures its elasticity and the resistance it provides. Different types of materials withstand certain values of the forces acting on them. Of course, the values of soft shell jackets and summer dresses are not the same. Each material has its own specifics. These checks are not only done on the fabrics from which the clothes are sown. This also includes materials for tents, bandages, military equipment, equipment specialized for various construction and other jobs. All this is recorded, compared and thus it is checked whether the standard quality has been reached.
2. Tensile strength test
And this is also a necessary test, without which the fabric will not receive a certificate, if it is not done properly and if it does not meet certain standards. This test involves maximum stretching of the fabric, in all directions, to the limit of cracking. This test step is performed on a specific device that gently pulls the fabric in opposite directions. In this way, the strength of the material and the degree of elongation are checked. Also, the level of deformation is defined, depending on the strength of the action on the fabric. You can read more about those special testing machines.
3. Color
We all know how irritating it is to buy something that loses color after the first wash. Therefore, the durability of textile dye is tested in the laboratory and is an important item that defines the quality of the fabric. This test is performed by immersing the samples in different solutions. Just as it is necessary for the material to be water resistant, so it should tolerate the effects of human sweat. Testing for the effect of light and color fastness in such conditions is also performed. This test is very important, not only because of the wardrobe, but also all kinds of military, mountaineering, sports, work equipment…
Given that fabrics of all kinds are an integral part of our lives, it is good to know their basic features. That way, when buying or packing our own wardrobe, we will know what is quality and durable, what should be kept, and what we can give up.
4. Cotton

There is no one who is not familiar with the oldest and most popular material – cotton. Comfortable to wear, easy to wash, the skin under it breathes, receives a variety of colors and retains its shape. Some opinions are conflicting, when it comes to his endurance. But, think only of jeans, denim jackets, original backpack pants, before smart material. Cotton is definitely durable, high quality and recommended for use.
5. Silk
Noble silk, which has been valued since ancient times and which could only be afforded by higher social classes. Luxurious, smooth texture, it flows like water and overflows in beautiful colors and patterns. It is of natural origin and is obtained from the silkworm product. Bed linen, pajamas, curtains, bedspreads are also made of it. It has a distinct shine, it is a symbol of luxury and glamor. Its texture is very strong and durable and represents the elite among materials.
6. Wool
In addition to the fur of animals, in which cavemen wore, wool is an accompanying material that is widely used and that the human race remembers well. There is ordinary sheep wool, but also special types, from alpaca, or angora wool from rabbit. Also, there are subtle ways of processing, which produce airy and refined mohair wool. Wool is an exceptional material. Even sports and mountaineering clothes and active clothes are made from it. It warms in winter, cools in summer, absorbs sweat and neutralizes its smell. Extremely strong fiber, durable and resistant. All recommendations are for good old wool.
7. Synthetic

Synthetics exist in different forms and under different names. Nylon, perlon, polyester… They are all similar fibers and similar materials. They are of artificial origin, but there are also various types of quality and workmanship. In general, synthetic materials are not overly comfortable to wear, goats have difficulty breathing under them and sweat profusely. However, many exceptional properties, such as: strength, durability, water resistance, crease resistance, durable dyes make synthetics extremely useful and widely represented. It is not recommended for underwear and this type of clothing, but there are well-made sports, mountaineering, military and other specialized items, which are very functional and good.
The textile industry is one of the largest, most influential and most powerful in the world. Wardrobe, home textiles, meeting specialized professional needs, expansion of fashion styles… all this has resulted in an abundance of textile products. Regardless of the incredibly wide offer, each of us should have his own style, choose quality products and not be subject exclusively to fashion hysteria. Wardrobe should be a part of your style and appearance, and your personality should be the crucial and essential thing that captivates. So choose wisely, protect the Planet and be original and unique.