20 Best Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus [2025]

Are you looking for the best Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus? Based on expert reviews, we ranked them. We've listed our top-ranked picks, including the top-selling Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus.

We Recommended:

# Preview Product
1 Sugarloaf Pineapple (Kona Sugarloaf) Live Plant - Ananas comosus Sugarloaf Pineapple (Kona Sugarloaf) Live Plant - Ananas comosus
2 Elite Gold Pineapple Live Plant - Ananas comosus Elite Gold Pineapple Live Plant - Ananas comosus
3 Florida Special Pineapple Live Plant - Ananas comosus Florida Special Pineapple Live Plant - Ananas comosus
4 White Jade Pineapple Live Plant - Ananas comosus White Jade Pineapple Live Plant - Ananas comosus
5 Acclimatization of pineapple glass plants (Ananas comosus L. Merr.) MD-2: Study of the optimal time... Acclimatization of pineapple glass plants (Ananas comosus L. Merr.) MD-2: Study of the optimal...
6 Pineapple Sugarloaf - Ananas Comosus P.Lant 3'-6' Tall for G.ardening - No S.Hip to AZ, HI, AK Pineapple Sugarloaf - Ananas Comosus P.Lant 3"-6" Tall for G.ardening - No S.Hip to AZ, HI, AK
7 Pineapple Plant - 'Kona Sugarloaf' - Live plant edible fruit Ananas comosus Pineapple Plant - 'Kona Sugarloaf' - Live plant edible fruit Ananas comosus
8 Fruiting Pineapple Plant - Ananas comosus - Great Indoors/Out - 5' Pot - HRG Garden Decoration Fruiting Pineapple Plant - Ananas comosus - Great Indoors/Out - 5" Pot - HRG Garden Decoration
9 3 lívẹ plánts Ẹlítẹ Gold Pínẹápplẹ Lívẹ Plánt - Ánánás Comosùs 3 lívẹ plánts Ẹlítẹ Gold Pínẹápplẹ Lívẹ Plánt - Ánánás Comosùs
11 PAPCOOL Vintage Livẹ! White Jade Pineapple Plạnt Ananas Comosus 5 Inch ! Delicious White Flesh,... PAPCOOL Vintage Livẹ! White Jade Pineapple Plạnt Ananas Comosus 5 Inch ! Delicious White...
12 Elite Gold'  Pineapple Plânt Ananas Comosus 4'Tâll Elite Gold'  Pineapple Plânt Ananas Comosus 4"Tâll
13 MISC 40 x 30 Green Blue Tropical Pineapple Canvas Wall Art Coastal Themed Tropical Fruit Plant Print... MISC 40 x 30 Green Blue Tropical Pineapple Canvas Wall Art Coastal Themed Tropical Fruit Plant...
14 3 Lívẹ Plạnts Florídá Spécíál - Lívé Pínéápplé Plánt ánánás Comosus édíblé... 3 Lívẹ Plạnts Florídá Spécíál - Lívé Pínéápplé Plánt ánánás Comosus édíblé...
15 2 Lịvẹ Plạnts Fruịtịng Pịnẹạpplẹ Plạnt - ạnạnạs Comosus - Grẹạt... 2 Lịvẹ Plạnts Fruịtịng Pịnẹạpplẹ Plạnt - ạnạnạs Comosus - Grẹạt...
16 1 Lịvé Plánt Frụịtịng Pịnéápplé Plánt - Ánánás Cómósụs - Gréát... 1 Lịvé Plánt Frụịtịng Pịnéápplé Plánt - Ánánás Cómósụs - Gréát...
17 Generic Ananas comosus 'Sugarloaf' Pineapple Plant (2) Starter Plants $26. Generic Ananas comosus 'Sugarloaf' Pineapple Plant (2) Starter Plants $26.
18 Pineapple Essential Oil for Aromatherapy Diffuser Sleep Skin Hair Candles, 100% Pure Organic Plant... Pineapple Essential Oil for Aromatherapy Diffuser Sleep Skin Hair Candles, 100% Pure Organic...
19 HITAKA Lịvẹ Plánt - Lịvẹ Pịnẹạpplẹ Plánt***ẸLỊTẸ GỌLD*** Ạnạnạs... HITAKA Lịvẹ Plánt - Lịvẹ Pịnẹạpplẹ Plánt***ẸLỊTẸ GỌLD*** Ạnạnạs...
20 Lịvẹ Plạnt ọụtdọọrFlọrịdạ SpẹcịạlLịvẹ Pịnẹạpplẹ Plạnt... Lịvẹ Plạnt ọụtdọọrFlọrịdạ SpẹcịạlLịvẹ Pịnẹạpplẹ Plạnt...
SaleBestseller No. 1
Sugarloaf Pineapple (Kona Sugarloaf) Live Plant - Ananas comosus
  • Be sure that you're purchasing from Wellspring Gardens
  • Receive a FREE sample of Wellspring Gardens' proprietary fertilizer blend!
  • You will be receiving 1 plant between 3 & 8 inches in a 3 inch deep pot.
  • Grow indoors even in colder climates!!!
  • Makes for an excellent gift
SaleBestseller No. 2
Elite Gold Pineapple Live Plant - Ananas comosus
  • You will be receiving 1 plant between 3 & 8 inches in a 3 inch deep pot.
  • Grow indoors even in colder climates!!!
  • Makes for an excellent gift
Bestseller No. 3
Florida Special Pineapple Live Plant - Ananas comosus
  • You will be receiving 1 plant between 3 & 8 inches in a 3 inch deep pot.
  • Grow indoors even in colder climates!!!
  • Makes for an excellent gift
Bestseller No. 4
White Jade Pineapple Live Plant - Ananas comosus
  • You will be receiving 1 plant between 3 & 8 inches in a 3 inch deep pot
  • Growing your own fruit results in better tasting and better for you delights!
  • Grow indoors even in colder climates!!!
Bestseller No. 5
Acclimatization of pineapple glass plants (Ananas comosus L. Merr.) MD-2: Study of the optimal time...
  • Pino Legrat, Yaima (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 68 Pages - 12/15/2020 (Publication Date) - Our Knowledge Publishing (Publisher)
Bestseller No. 6
Pineapple Sugarloaf - Ananas Comosus P.Lant 3"-6" Tall for G.ardening - No S.Hip to AZ, HI, AK
  • Pineapple "Sugarloaf" - Ananas Comosus P.lant 3"-6" Tall for G.ardening - No S.hip to AZ, HI, AK
  • P.erfect for G.arden Lovers. P.lants for G.rowing.
Bestseller No. 7
Pineapple Plant - 'Kona Sugarloaf' - Live plant edible fruit Ananas comosus
  • This popular pineapple makes for a wonderful addition to any tropical landscape. Waxy, strap-like leaves are not serated in this variety. Prized for...
  • Does best in a well-drained, sandy loam type soil. Warm temperture is essential, but can be a potted houseplant in colder climates. Requires high...
Bestseller No. 8
Fruiting Pineapple Plant - Ananas comosus - Great Indoors/Out - 5" Pot - HRG Garden Decoration
  • This is Fruiting Pineapple Plant - Ananas comosus - Great Indoors/Out - 5" Pot
  • Mix For Your Garden
  • Easy to grow, High Germination Rate
  • Due to the COVID19 Situation maybe the shipping will be delays. We are doing our best, but sometimes your order may take longer than usual to be...
Bestseller No. 9
3 lívẹ plánts Ẹlítẹ Gold Pínẹápplẹ Lívẹ Plánt - Ánánás Comosùs
  • You are buying: 3 lívẹ plánts Ẹlítẹ Gold Pínẹápplẹ Lívẹ Plánt - Ánánás Comosùs
  • I guarantee that your plạnt(sẹédss, bulb,..) will be sent out in good and healthy condition.
  • Ship from US
  • Please read carefully the description to understand the features of the products, how to take care of them, as well as avoid unnecessary disputes...
  • PLEASE MESSAGE US, if you are in any way dissatisfied with your transaction with us before giving féẹd-báck. We endeavor to make our customers...
Bestseller No. 10
  • All plants are stamped with the Department of Agriculture stamp.
  • Grown on the Big Island Of Hawaii.
  • Plant is approximately 22 - 28 inches. Potted/rooted in a 4 inch pot.
  • They are approved for shipping to US and are pest free.
Bestseller No. 12
Elite Gold'  Pineapple Plânt Ananas Comosus 4"Tâll
  • Here is plánt.
  • Ship in Pót or No Pót
Bestseller No. 13
MISC 40 x 30 Green Blue Tropical Pineapple Canvas Wall Art Coastal Themed Tropical Fruit Plant Print...
  • 40 x 30 Green Blue Tropical Pineapple Canvas Wall Art Coastal Themed Tropical Fruit Plant Print Ananas Comosus Bromeliaceae Vibrant Beach Nautical...
  • Includes 1 Piece. Rectangle Vertical Shape.
  • Dimensions: 40 inches high x 30 inches wide x 1.5 inch deep
  • Have fun with your decor with this abstract pineapple painting by Sarah LaPierre. Featuring a thick paint style that brings this image to life, this...
Bestseller No. 14
3 Lívẹ Plạnts Florídá Spécíál - Lívé Pínéápplé Plánt ánánás Comosus édíblé...
  • You are buying: 3 Lívẹ Plạnts Florídá Spécíál - Lívé Pínéápplé Plánt ánánás Comosus édíblé Fruít - Shíps Ín á 2 1/2X 2 1/2X...
  • í guạrạntẹẹ thạt your plạnt(sẹẹds, bulb,..) wíll bẹ sẹnt out ín good ạnd hẹạlthy condítíon. Plẹạsẹ rẹạd...
  • You could gẹt ạ plạnt ạs bíg ạs thẹ onẹ shown on thẹ lẹft of pícturẹ #2 or you could gẹt ạ plạnt ạs smạll ạs thẹ...
  • Florídạ Spẹcíạl Pínẹạpplẹ producẹs ạ goldẹn-flẹshẹd fruít wíth grẹạt flạvor. Rípẹníng fruít hạs shown to...
  • PLEASE MESSAGE US, if you are in any way dissatisfied with your transaction with us before giving féẹd-báck. We endeavor to make our customers...
Bestseller No. 15
2 Lịvẹ Plạnts Fruịtịng Pịnẹạpplẹ Plạnt - ạnạnạs Comosus - Grẹạt...
  • You are buying: 2 Lịvẹ Plạnts Fruịtịng Pịnẹạpplẹ Plạnt - ạnạnạs Comosus - Grẹạt Ịndoors/out - 5" Pot For Plạntịng
  • I guarantee that your plạnt(sẹédss, bulb,..) will be sent out in good and healthy condition.
  • Ship from US
  • Please read carefully the description to understand the features of the products, how to take care of them, as well as avoid unnecessary disputes...
  • PLEASE MESSAGE US, if you are in any way dissatisfied with your transaction with us before giving féẹd-báck. We endeavor to make our customers...
Bestseller No. 16
1 Lịvé Plánt Frụịtịng Pịnéápplé Plánt - Ánánás Cómósụs - Gréát...
  • You are buying: 1 Lịvé Plánt Frụịtịng Pịnéápplé Plánt - Ánánás Cómósụs - Gréát Ịndóórs/Óụt - 5" Pót Fór Plántịng
  • I guarantee that your plạnt(sẹédss, bulb,..) will be sent out in good and healthy condition.
  • Ship from US
  • Please read carefully the description to understand the features of the products, how to take care of them, as well as avoid unnecessary disputes...
  • PLEASE MESSAGE US, if you are in any way dissatisfied with your transaction with us before giving féẹd-báck. We endeavor to make our customers...
Bestseller No. 17
Bestseller No. 18
Pineapple Essential Oil for Aromatherapy Diffuser Sleep Skin Hair Candles, 100% Pure Organic Plant...
  • Purity - 100% pure Pineapple essential oils. no additives, fillers, bases or carriers added. each x 10mL bottle.
  • Great Scent - Our pineapple fragrance oil has the sweet and robust aroma of juicy, fresh sliced pineapple. It can be used on its own or is perfect for...
  • Sweet Mood - Pineapple Oil has the sweet, robust aroma of fresh cut pineapple that is juicy sweet and citrus like fresh in scent, which can brings you...
  • Natural Ingredients - Our pure Pineapple oil is harvested from Thailand and steam distilled to perfection. This Pineapple essential oil organic matter...
  • Quality Certificate - SGS approved. MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet available upon request. We rigorously adhere to GMPC Good Manufacturer Practice...
Bestseller No. 19
HITAKA Lịvẹ Plánt - Lịvẹ Pịnẹạpplẹ Plánt***ẸLỊTẸ GỌLD*** Ạnạnạs...
  • You Will Receive Lịvẹ Pịnẹạpplẹ Plánt***ẸLỊTẸ GỌLD*** Ạnạnạs cọmọsụs Ẹdịblẹ frụịt
  • I guarantee that your plant will be sent out in good and healthy condition , real plants . Keep in mind that almost all live plant do become stressed...
  • Understand, sometimes plants need time to recover and look their best after shipping in a dark box for 2-4 days. If there is severe weather, we will...
  • Please read carefully the description to understand the features of the products, how to take care of them, as well as avoid unnecessary disputes...
  • PLEASE MESSAGE US, if you are in any way dissatisfaction with your transaction with us before giving feed-back. We endeavor to make our customers...
Bestseller No. 20
Lịvẹ Plạnt ọụtdọọrFlọrịdạ SpẹcịạlLịvẹ Pịnẹạpplẹ Plạnt...
  • Live plants outdoor ours have the magical quality of making any space more inviting, and this makes them ideal décor items for homes and your garden...
  • I guarantee that your plant will be sent out in good and healthy condition. Keep in mind that almost all live plants do become stressed during...
  • Understand, sometimes plants need time to recover and look their best after shipping in a dark box for 2-4 days. If there is severe weather, we will...
  • Please read carefully the description to understand the features of the products, how to take care of them, as well as avoid unnecessary disputes...
  • PLEASE MESSAGE US, if you are in any way dissatisfied with your transaction with us before giving feed-back. We endeavor to make our customers happy,...

Having trouble finding a great Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus?

This problem is well understood by us because we have gone through the entire Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus research process ourselves, which is why we have put together a comprehensive list of the best Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosuss available in the market today.

After hours of searching and using all the models on the market, we have found the best Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus for 2023. See our ranking below!

How Do You Buy The Best Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus?

Do you get stressed out thinking about shopping for a great Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus? Do doubts keep creeping into your mind?

We understand, because we’ve already gone through the whole process of researching Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus, which is why we have assembled a comprehensive list of the greatest Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus available in the current market. We’ve also come up with a list of questions that you probably have yourself.

John Harvards has done the best we can with our thoughts and recommendations, but it’s still crucial that you do thorough research on your own for Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus that you consider buying. Your questions might include the following:

  • Is it worth buying an Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus?
  • What benefits are there with buying an Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus?
  • What factors deserve consideration when shopping for an effective Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus?
  • Why is it crucial to invest in any Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus, much less the best one?
  • Which Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus are good in the current market?
  • Where can you find information like this about Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus?

We’re convinced that you likely have far more questions than just these regarding Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus, and the only real way to satisfy your need for knowledge is to get information from as many reputable online sources as you possibly can.

Potential sources can include buying guides for Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus, rating websites, word-of-mouth testimonials, online forums, and product reviews. Thorough and mindful research is crucial to making sure you get your hands on the best-possible Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus. Make sure that you are only using trustworthy and credible websites and sources.

John Harvards provides an Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus buying guide, and the information is totally objective and authentic. We employ both AI and big data in proofreading the collected information.

How did we create this buying guide? We did it using a custom-created selection of algorithms that lets us manifest a top-10 list of the best available Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus currently available on the market.

This technology we use to assemble our list depends on a variety of factors, including but not limited to the following:

  1. Brand Value: Every brand of Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus has a value all its own. Most brands offer some sort of unique selling proposition that’s supposed to bring something different to the table than their competitors.
  2. Features: What bells and whistles matter for an Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus?
  3. Specifications: How powerful they are can be measured.
  4. Product Value: This simply is how much bang for the buck you get from your Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus.
  5. Customer Ratings: Number ratings grade Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus objectively.
  6. Customer Reviews: Closely related to ratings, these paragraphs give you first-hand and detailed information from real-world users about their Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus.
  7. Product Quality: You don’t always get what you pay for with an Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus, sometimes less, and sometimes more.
  8. Product Reliability: How sturdy and durable an Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus is should be an indication of how long it will work out for you.

John Harvards always remembers that maintaining Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus information to stay current is a top priority, which is why we are constantly updating our websites. Learn more about us using online sources.

If you think that anything we present here regarding Pineapple Plant Ananas Comosus is irrelevant, incorrect, misleading, or erroneous, then please let us know promptly!

Related Post:


Q: Can you grow Ananas comosus at home?

A: Ananas comosus is a plant that bears beautiful leaves, but what makes the plant famous is its fruit: the pineapple. Exposure – very well-lit while avoiding direct sun. Even though the plant is native to Brazil, it’s perfectly possible to grow your pineapple at home if you follow these growing tips.

Q: What is ananas comosomus?

A: Ananas comosus is a plant that bears beautiful leaves, but what makes the plant famous is its fruit: the pineapple. Key Ananas comosomus facts. Name – Ananas comosus Family – Bromeliaceae Type – indoor plant. Height – 12 to 16 inches (30 to 40 cm) Exposure – very well-lit while avoiding direct sun. Foliage – evergreen

Q: What is pineapple?

A: The pineapple (Ananas comosus) is a tropical plant with an edible fruit and the most economically significant plant in the family Bromeliaceae. The pineapple is indigenous to South America, where it has been cultivated for many centuries.The introduction of the pineapple to Europe in the 17th century made it a significant cultural icon of luxury.

Q: What is the best temperature for Ananas comosus?

A: Ananas comosus requires temperatures that hover between 64°F to 75°F (18°C to 24°C) and never drop below 57°F (15°C). Your Ananas comosus can’t stand the sun’s rays when they touch its leaves directly while indoors.